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Originally Broadcasting Live!
from the
Dome of Distinction
in Ghent, Norfolk, Virginia

Larry Dinger

Larry 'Good Doctor' Dinger shuffled, waltzed, and bugalooed off this mortal coil on December 9, 2018, spending the remainder of his life after WOWI in Austin, Texas. Like a few of the other 'On-Air-Curators of Sound', Larry had deep passion and an expansive knowledge of all types of music and his shows gave plenty of evidence to that. He was the brains behind the Club Bimbo and Blues Beer Bar—a make-shift live on the air concert room on the first floor of the WOWI house at 913 Colonial Avenue. Usually did the late-night show after Art Williamson. After the progressive spirit expired in early 1975, Dr. Dinger joined Austin’s KOKE-FM, billed then as 'Progressive Country', the first of its kind and was chiefly responsible for what became known worldwide as the 'Austin Sound'. KOKE was short-lived but highly revered...still is...and mirrored WOWI in many respects. Later in life, Larry made people smile and hips start a-shakin as mobile DJ, and he even did a scorching new set for us a few years ago. He told us once that he had a closet full of original WOWI T-Shirts that could only fit small children or small beasts and had no idea why he was holding on to them…but that was Larry. God bless Ya Man and we know that the great Poohbah in the sky is happy to have you spinning a few tunes for him/her!